
Hearing Her Voice One More Time

“I wish I could hear her voice one more time”- a common phrase made by those who have endured the loss of a loved one. It’s often the simple things that we miss the most when we lose a close family member or friend. We yearn to see their smile, hear their voice, and embrace them one last time. Although it’s impossible to see our loved ones in the physical form once they’ve passed on, there is a way for us to continue seeing and hearing them.

What if you could create a small library of videos for your family that would only be accessible after your death? Depending on the phase of your family life, you may wish to record videos for special occasions, such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and more. You may also choose to keep this process simple by recording a single video where you deliver a heartfelt message for your family that addresses your deepest thoughts, wishes, and desires for your loved ones. You can add as you go or it could be a one time deal- you decide what works best for you.

By creating a video for your family, you are providing an opportunity to comfort them by allowing them to hear your voice and feel your presence. The beautiful thing about this is that your loved ones will be able to see and hear from you as often as they want. It is a great way to help them through their grieving process and something that they will find solace in.

What do you say in your video? There is so much you can share, but it can be an overwhelming thought at first. Begin by writing down important thoughts, wishes, and stories that you feel are important for your family to have after you are gone. If you are a parent, what do you want your children to know? Your spouse? What stories can you share that maybe you haven’t shared before but feel would be valuable for your family to know? What have your greatest life lessons been so far? What hopes and dreams do you have for your loved ones? How would you like them to remember you? Your answers to these questions can serve as starting points to get you going.

Nobody enjoys the thought of leaving their family behind. By taking advantage of these simple tools, you are creating a lasting legacy. You are ensuring that your loved ones know, without a doubt, how deep and profound your love for them was. That is a beautiful thought.